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Meeting Agendas


 Nashville & Davidson County

Historical Society

First Monthly Board Meeting

October 2017

7:00 p.m.

6:30                Doors Open, Meet Others                                

7:00                Call to Order/Welcome                                      Raleigh Killen, President         

7:15                What is NDCHS?                                                  Raleigh Killen

7:45                Required Committees/Responsibilities:         

                        Finance, Community Outreach, Historian, Membership, Lobbyist, Employee Relations.

8:00                Break/Refreshments Thanks To -                     Local Kids Club

8:15                Vote on Chairs of select committees

8:30                Introduction from newly elected chairs

Finance                                                      __________         TBA

Community Outreach                             __________          TBA   

Historian                                                   __________           TBA   

Membership                                             __________          TBA

Lobbyist                                                     __________          TBA

Employee Relations                                 __________          TBA

8:45                Actions to Accomplish before                           All Input Appreciated

                        Next Meeting    

9:00 (tentative)  Closing Remarks Dismissal                                Raleigh Killen

 Nashville & Davidson County

Historical Society

Second Monthly Board Meeting

December 2017

7:00 p.m.

6:30                Doors Open, Meet Others                                

7:00                Call to Order/Welcome                                      Raleigh Killen, President         

7:15                Current Events                                                     Raleigh Killen

7:45                Committee Reports                                            

Jan Olgetree – Finance: Current financial status and financial goals of NDCHS

Jose McMartin - Community Outreach: Plans for 2018

Mark Mathews – Historian: Christmas history of Nashville

Laura Jones – Membership: Current membership and goals for 2018

Burt Reynolds – Lobbyist: Relations with local and state government

8:30                Break/Fellowship

8:45                Organization Activities                                        Activity Committee

  • Announce Activity of the month

  • Needs for this to happen

  • Assign bodies to work event

  • Promotion of event

  • ​

9:00 (tentative)  Actions Before Next Meeting                              Raleigh Killen

  • Add 10 members

  • Establish list of endangered historical sites

  • Clean/Preserve 2 local sites

  • Contact an educational system about opportunities

  • Enrich website and other advertisement sources

9:30 (tentative)  Closing Remarks / Meeting Adjourned

Meetings: News
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